Tuesday, December 11, 2018

(RT)2 FT

One of many gifts from our Mead Corporation CIO, John Langenbahn, was this Swiss Army knife that I still keep in my Jeep, and dates back somewhere to the mid-to-late 1980's.  Our department name, Corporate Information Resources, was a testament to his futurist-thinking on how important information would be and that we were a valuable resource to the success of the company, not just a purveyor of hardware and software technologies.

The logo, (RT)2 Ft, means "Right Things Right The First Time" and was created by the team to express how we wanted to approach our jobs, day in and day out.  Being the techie group we were, we just had to make a mathematical formula out of it, and it was useful for branding purposes.

The Mead Corporation is long gone, merged with Westvaco Corporation in 2002 to form MeadWestvaco, then again in 2015 with their RockTenn merger to form today's WestRock Company.  But the Mead name is still alive, owned by ACCO Brands, delivering high-quality school and office supplies.


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